Celebrating National Pharmacist Day at Technoprint
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Around 1.6 million people in England alone visit the pharmacy each day. This made us think, where would we be without our pharmacists?
Celebrated on the 12th of January each year, National Pharmacist Day is an opportunity to recognise and commend the vital role that pharmacists play within our country’s healthcare system.
With more than 80,000 pharmacists and over 11,414 community pharmacies in the UK, at Technoprint, we understand that pharmacists are truly at the heart of our community. In today’s blog, we would like to take some time in thanking our pharmacists for providing support and recovery for patients and people nationwide.
So, join us in posting and praising on #NationalPharmacistDay and return some care to your local pharmacist.
Between the global Covid-19 pandemic, the persistent cost of living crisis and post-Brexit regulation changes, pharmacists have persevered with rising health and budgetary pressures. Despite this, pharmacists have continued to stick with us in providing continuous exemplar medical care and well-being support.
In being the UK’s largest independent supplier of Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) to pharmacies, we, at Technoprint, understand the importance of keeping costs low, supplies high, and fostering clearly explained medication details.
As printing specialists, we are committed to offering speedy and creative solutions that suit all our pharma-client needs.
As a specialised second supplier, we have been able to utilise our significant knowledge and niche expertise to efficiently manage our supply chain. This has meant that despite the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Human Rights issues in China and the Red Sea crisis, we have been able to successfully prevent our customers from feeling the impacts of rising costs.
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, we understand that medication demands can change unpredictably. Here at Technoprint, we have developed several innovative products and services that can meet a variety of bespoke customer needs and urgencies. Whether it be a last-minute print or a special delivery that you need to count on, with options such as our 48hrs Speed Launch™ and TECH-PACK™, we can have your back with a range of trustworthy solutions.
We know that both patients and pharmacists rely on the readability of our leaflets. With innovations such as the MINUTAG™ and PHARMALITE™, we can offer secure and robust leaflets that can be folded down to as small as 25mm square. This means that we can keep all the comprehensive information needed to meet PIL requirements without sacrificing on quality or legibility.
With a staggering 1.08 billion items dispensed from pharmacies in England between 2022 and 2023, we understand the importance of supplying credible patient information leaflets to pharmacies. As a vital player in the pharmaceutical landscape, we aim to look after our clients and stay committed to providing secure, efficient, and effective leaflet solutions.
If you would like to find out more about our products and services, you can find us here.